Freetrade Android is now fully live for everyone with no queue!
With Freetrade, you can invest for free in the stock market.
We think everyone should be able to put their savings to work. So we’re building the world’s best stockbroker with no hidden fees and an ever-growing feature set.
It's beautifully designed, effortless investing.
Invest for free
- Invest in shares and ETFs. No fees, forever.
- Only pay for the premium features you want.
- Invest with our ISA for tax-wrapped returns.
- We’re a fully authorised member of the London Stock Exchange.
Fast and easy
- Quick sign-up.
- Get started with £1.
- Intuitive design
Freetrade does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent advice. The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive back less than your original investment.
Freetrade is the trading name of Freetrade Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (No. 09797821). Freetrade is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 783189).
Our registered address is: Freetrade Limited, 68 Hanbury Street, London, UK, E1 5JL
Freetrade Android sekarang sepenuhnya hidup untuk semua orang tanpa antrian!
Dengan Freetrade, Anda dapat berinvestasi secara gratis di pasar saham.
Kami pikir setiap orang harus dapat menggunakan tabungan mereka. Jadi kami membangun pialang saham terbaik di dunia tanpa biaya tersembunyi dan set fitur yang terus berkembang.
Ini dirancang dengan indah, investasi yang mudah.
Investasikan secara gratis
- Investasikan dalam saham dan ETF. Tanpa biaya, selamanya.
- Hanya membayar untuk fitur premium yang Anda inginkan.
- Investasikan dengan ISA kami untuk pengembalian pajak.
- Kami adalah anggota London Stock Exchange yang berwenang penuh.
Cepat dan mudah
- Pendaftaran cepat.
- Mulai dengan £ 1.
- Desain yang intuitif
Freetrade tidak memberikan saran investasi dan investor individu harus membuat keputusan sendiri atau mencari nasihat independen. Nilai investasi dapat naik dan turun dan Anda mungkin menerima kembali kurang dari investasi awal Anda.
Freetrade adalah nama dagang Freetrade Limited, sebuah perusahaan yang terdaftar di Inggris dan Wales (No. 09797821). Freetrade diotorisasi dan diatur oleh Otoritas Perilaku Keuangan (No. 783189).
Alamat terdaftar kami adalah: Freetrade Limited, 68 Hanbury Street, London, UK, E1 5JL
Freetrade Android is now fully live for everyone with no queue!
With Freetrade, you can invest for free in the stock market.
We think everyone should be able to put their savings to work. So we’re building the world’s best stockbroker with no hidden fees and an ever-growing feature set.
It's beautifully designed, effortless investing.
Invest for free
- Invest in shares and ETFs. No fees, forever.
- Only pay for the premium features you want.
- Invest with our ISA for tax-wrapped returns.
- We’re a fully authorised member of the London Stock Exchange.
Fast and easy
- Quick sign-up.
- Get started with £1.
- Intuitive design
Freetrade does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent advice. The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive back less than your original investment.
Freetrade is the trading name of Freetrade Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (No. 09797821). Freetrade is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 783189).
Our registered address is: Freetrade Limited, 68 Hanbury Street, London, UK, E1 5JL